Please Note: This schedule is a rough outline, and dates might shift by a week or two in either direction. I’ll do my best to keep things updated every couple of weeks so you’ll always have the most accurate timeline.
March 2, 2025 – May 7, 2025
I’ll be working on a new batch of 100 to 150 boxes, carriers, and trays. This batch is already fully booked, but as always, I expect to have a few extras available. I’ll list those here on the website around early May.
If you haven’t yet, be sure to sign up for my newsletter—I always send it out the day before new items go live!
May 8, 2025 – May 21, 2025
During this stretch, I’ll be in the lumber processing building, milling more lumber for upcoming Shaker boxes, trays, and carriers.
May 22, 2025 – June 22, 2025
I’ll be kicking off the next batch of boxes around this time. This batch will pause briefly for my yearly backpacking trip (details below) and then pick back up when I return. I should have everything finished by early October.
June 23, 2025 – September 1, 2025
It’s time for my annual adventure on the Appalachian Trail! I’m not planning a full thru-hike this time (like I did in 2021 and 2023), but I’ll be out on the trail for a couple of months.
I really appreciate your support and understanding while I take this break—it means a lot to be able to step away for a bit and return refreshed!
September 2, 2025 – October 3, 2025
Once I’m back in the shop, I’ll be finishing up the batch of boxes I started in late May. I’m accepting requests for this batch now, so if there’s something specific you’re thinking about, feel free to reach out.
October 4, 2025 – December 4, 2025
As the holidays get closer, I’ll be working on another batch of 150 to 200 pieces. If you’re planning ahead - and would like to have something ready in time for the holidays - don’t hesitate to get in touch—I’d be happy to help!
Thank you so much for your interest in my products and your support over the past thirty-plus years!
Starting in 2024, I've made the difficult decision to no longer offer pre-orders, where payment is made upfront and then I make the item. Instead, I will only offer items that are completed and ready to ship to you.
However, I will still take requests for specific items and contact you once they are completed. I believe this new approach will have several benefits for both you and me. I have no intention of slowing down in the workshop; in fact, I have several projects that I've been wanting to try for a long time. This new method will allow me to explore these projects and offer them for sale on the website.
Please read below for additional information on how items become available, how to request a particular item, and other pertinent details.
I'm more than happy to take requests! If you're looking for a particular item, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at or through the contact page by Clicking Here.
Additionally, you can now use the new "Request" button on each product page. This feature allows you to select the items and finishes you're interested in, enter your contact information, and send me the request directly from the website.
No matter how you contact me, I'll print your request and make a note to notify you when the item(s) become available, with no commitment to purchase on your part.
Your requests help me decide what items and finishes to work on next. Your emails and comments are very helpful!
Typically new items are listed for sale on the website every eight weeks or so. If you haven’t already, please be sure to sign up for my newsletter – I always send out an email the day before new items become available.
Any items completed and ready to ship can be viewed by CLICKING HERE
In the 1990’s I sold most of my items to wholesale clients including several magazine companies, QVC and others. A few years ago, I made the decision to slow down a bit and discontinue my wholesale business and concentrate fully on retail sales.
However – if you are a needlework designer, craftsperson or are hosting a retreat and would like to use my items for one of your projects please contact me so we can discuss your idea. Although I no longer offer the “typical” wholesale pricing - I will gladly pass along savings that come from combined shipping, packaging and so forth. Please contact me at I’m happy to work with you!
Once again thank you so much for your continued support, it’s very much appreciated! If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or by CLICKING HERE!
Robert LeHay